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The concept is very popular in trading, and has found its way into the arsenals of
Sports Bettors.I want to make a bold statement here: Money Management cannot help
you! You say, "You must be kidding! I'm certain that the concept of
Money Management is very important." Really? Let me ask you these questions: Will
Money Management make a winner out of a losing proposition? Will Money Management
turn a negative expectation into a positive one? Will MM make a smart
wager out of a sucker bet?The answer to all of these questions is NO!
If you're placing a losing bet, no amount of MM will make you a
winner! All casino games are designed to make you a loser in the
long run... What if you were to enter the Gamblers' Utopia; "The First Zero-Advantage Casino"?
You've found a casino that has removed the house advantages from the games.
So, if you are playing blackjack at a house advantage of .05%, you expect to
lose one bet every two hours. Example: if you go twice a week, you'll lose
$40 per week or about $160 per month. Let me take this a
step further... During a winning 925 silver session, quit while you're ahead, or put half
your winnings aside and continue play with ONLY the remaining half. And, the Gamblers' Buzz
Awards at: The Buzz Awards. Calculate the house advantage for your favorite game,
and bet LESS than the amount you will earn in interest (PLUS your monthly deposits).
ALL of them. I've put them all together into my Gamblers' website. when you need
the money, or are afraid to lose it, you'll alter your bets and your strategies
to the point where you negate the advantages of any strategy.Hi, I'm Buzz B Berkeley,
and I want to tell you a little about myself; I've been a gambler, dealer,
lecturer, promoter, author and producer. Therefore, make sure that between the interest you
accumulate PLUS the amount you deposit each month is MORE than $160. Never
bet money you need! Scared money NEVER wins! That's not just a saying - it's
scientifically proven... Now, what would MM do for you? Nothing...
Leave the money there, gaining interest... If you play 25¢ slots, and you insert
3 coins at a time, you need $7,500 in your gambling bankroll.Hang on; the good
stuff's coming... If you're into Sports Betting, you MUST use: http://www.ultimatesportsbetsystem.comIf you're planning to tn visit
Las Vegas, check out my travel tips that will save you lots of time and
money while you're there, learn all the Las Vegas Dos & Don'ts at: Las Vegas
Guest Guide. I've written many books and have built many websites and blogs.
Example: if you are a $10 bettor at the tables, then you need to have
at least $4,000 in your account. You are invited to post on his blog while
you're there. (And double your deposits too). and get a line of credit at your
casino equal to your betting session amount (one tenth of your bankroll). Continue this until
you double your bankroll, and then double your bets. For Craps fans see: Winning Craps
Money. If you have the same passion for gambling, sign up for my FREE Newsletter
at Buzz On Gambling. A $10 bettor would expect to lose about $20 every 4
hours of play. After accumulating a good deal of money in the account
(400 times your normal bet at a table game, and/or 10,000 times your slot machine
bet). And, for a cushion, round it up to $200.If you win, put the winnings
PLUS your monthly deposit into the account. Continue putting money into the account on a
monthly basis. you'd only break even in the long run!So, what good is MM?
You'll be able to play longer! And assuming you don't alter your optimum play,
you'll therefore get more comps! The best advice I can give you regarding
MM is this: Open a bank account for your gambling bankroll. Multiply that by the
number of times you go to the casino in a month. This way, you're using
the casino's interest-free loan to gamble, and your money is still in the account gaining
interest. So, if you were to use the common MM strategies perfectly, you might be
able to last a little longer, but you'll still lose in the long run. See
a list at: The Buzz Sites. If you're a poker player, you need to see
my site: Win Poker Money, and if it's online poker that you love, see my
reviews of the poker calculators at: The Buzz Report, and read my book at Win
Poker Money. Now it REALLY gets fun... I've been teaching gambling for many
years, and collecting gambling resources all the while. Put as much money into it as
you can without putting ANY strain on your life. Money Management is a term that
is bantered about in the Gambling Industry, but is greatly misunderstood. Google me..
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