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-Buy quality, not quantity. Of course some of us are more frugal than others, we see
them more prominent in the older generations because of contributing factors such as income circumstances
and the upbringing.Even with such characteristics, we will not suddenly stop spending on things that
makes us look good or feel confidence. I believe your attitude is the most important
equation to achieve more. We humans have always been very sensitive on the matter of
feeling security. I do know how to spend on mine but I am sure there
are more tips you can pick up from the fashion gurus.Happy spending Tn Requin and don't forget
to put down any comments you have in my blog.Author: Eng Hean Ho Blog: http://frugal-living-plus.blogspot.comEverybody
wants more in life but most doesn't know how to get them. It is not
worth it to blow your savings on attires in general if it negatively compromises your
normal lifestyles or it detracts you from your real goals. It defeats the purpose of
spending for necessity when we buy attires which are going to stay in the closet,
never to be seen again after wearing them a couple of times at best.When possible,
choose attires which have more general uses compared to nike tn those only used for specific occasions
or situations. For example, avoid getting an expensive evening gown with the matching stunning glass
shoes which is only proper to be worn for a Cinderella's type occasion. I feel
that spending to be presentable is important but there are always higher priorities in everything
unless being presentable and looking good will help you progress further in life.Have a read
on this article How to Recession Proof Your Wardrobe by Lisa Armstrong. Not even
in the current uncertain economic conditions. Good article about spending on wardrobes from the experts.
What sort of attitude you say? Start by being frugal.Visit my website at the link
http://frugal-living-plus.blogspot.com to find out more. Rather, choose something else which compliments the occasion but will
also have a longer useful span.Remember to keep tract of your budget. People are not
just going to stop buying clothes or continue to enhance their looks.As a guideline to
spending on wardrobe, it is important to not deprive ourselves to branded quality attires. The
primal instinct passed down since the times when our ancestors were hunting, gathering and stockpiling
to survive have shaped our saving and spending habits. I would appreciate any comments you
have on my thoughts..
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