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If you must have a glass of juice or coffee, try to limit yourself to 1
glass in the morning.Try that for 30 days and see what sort of results that
you get compared to your current routine. Many people wish to lose weight, although few
are very successful at it.The people who lose weight initially and then manage to maintain
their ideal weight long term are usually those that combine exercise with a healthy diet.However,
just because the majority of people who are successful at long-term weight loss use diet
and exercise as their tool of choice doesn't mean that everybody who uses diet and
weight loss are successful.For the weekend warriors and the casual exercisers, there's a hidden danger
that you may tn not think about that is preventing you from reaching your goals.We all
know that beverages such as sodas probably aren't the most healthy choice, and a great
place to start in limiting your calories is to replace the daily or hourly can
of soda with a glass of water.We don't think anything of the other beverages that
we drink throughout the day, however.Research from the World Health Organization shows that your body
does not feel full after consuming liquid calories, such as those in sodas, energy drinks,
coffee, or juice. If you are trying to lose weight, you should limit these types
of beverages.If you exercise intensely you may be worried about getting an electrolyte imbalance or
some other problem described in the Tn Requin latest advertising by the sports drinks companies, so you
may be used to drinking Gatorade or similar drinks while you workout.Consuming those sorts of
drinks can be beneficial to your workout, and I wouldn't suggest that you avoid them
completely.However, if your main focus on living a healthy lifestyle is to lose weight, then
you probably do want to limit the amount that you drink of any beverage other
than water.Sports drinks can help you perform better while you are actively sweating or immediately
after a workout, but try to avoid them at other times of the day when
you aren't as active. They can often carry as many calories as more solid food
without preventing you from being hungry.The healthiest baseline from which to start is to drink
water regularly throughout the day and with all of your meals to stay well hydrated,
and to treat the other drinks as special treats. You may find that even without
changing your diet in any other way or increasing the amount you are currently exercising
that you will start to make the gains (or should I say, losses) that you've
been hoping for.Blaine Moore is a running coach in Southern Maine with 20 years of
training and racing experience, which he shares on his blog at http://news.RunToWin.com - If you
would like to get regular tips and training advice along with his his report, The
3 Components of an Effective Workout, then sign up for his newsletter at: http://www.RunToWin.com/newsletter.html.
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