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Being able to trap and control ball is important for any soccer player. No matter the
trajectory of the ball's arrival, a good soccer player must be able to receive and
control it to maintain possession. Your team will not be able to control the game
if you can't even control the ball. The team that dominates possession during a game
usually creates more scoring opportunities A good first touch on the ball is often the
difference between getting that goal and getting stripped of the ball.If Zapatillas Puma your players fail to
trap and control the ball and constantly give away possession, you will be in a
very rough spot. Youth soccer coaches hoping to produce quality players should focus a good
amount of effort on making sure their players learn to adequately trap the ball.Whether it
is a pass from a teammate, a clearance from the goaltender, or a cross from
the outside, maintaining possession is vital. Get the fundamentals of trapping down while your players
are stationary, and then take trapping drills requin tn to a moving platform.Most of all, good trapping
skills are developed through repetition so make sure you have a list of drills that
build trapping skills and give players lots of touches on the ball.Focus on teaching players
to cushion the impact of the ball like a pillow, and try to drop the
ball directly to their feet.If you are short on trapping, skills, finishing, possession, overlapping, defending
or any other type of drill you could imagine, this youth soccer coaching manual can
give you pre-planned practices and various drills that will keep practice fun, exciting, and informative
for your players.If you are short on time or knowledge, there are plenty of soccer
coaching resources out there, you just need to know which ones to buy. Make sure
to work on trapping skills early in your season and often. Good soccer practices start
with a plan, if you don't have any idea how to plan an effective training
session, get some help!http://www.soccerdrillbook.com has some of the best soccer coaching resources available on the
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